AIDI Concept

Aidi idea
China Mattress Industry, "Foxconn" business model
No Marketing Brand, Focus on ODM
Core Value
Open innovation, Rigorous and efficient, Strive, and happy growth
Sharing healthy sleep with the world, creating a common career platform
Focus on technology & service innovation
Provide professional solutions on bedroom furniture OEM&ODM
Constantly create value for customer’s brand

Our Core Value

Open Innovation
Accept new things, dare to try, and continue to improve. Thinking innovation, technological innovation, service innovation
Rigorous& Efficient
Seek truth from facts, think systematically, verify repeatedly, and strive for excellence. Respond quickly, eliminate waiting, do it right the first time, save time and be efficient
Follow the example of strivers, go beyond the status quo and achieve your goals
Happy growth
Build a learning organization, realize personal value, and win respect and confidence

Message Prompt
