
AIDI has a professional team and rich experience

AIDI has provided services for 1000+ projects. We can provide customers with professional advice to help them confirm the most suitable mattress, and provide customers with a comfortable sleep


According to customer needs, Aidi staff will guide and assist customers in installing mattresses and provide professional mattress care and maintenance knowledge, which can greatly extend the service life of mattresses and reduce mattress usage costs


AIDI commercial products are widely used in hotels, motels, apartments, decorated houses, hospitals, school accommodations, factory accomodations, rental houses, prisons, and other


Choose AIDI, where customers can get mattresses that are comparable to the quality of big brands, while only paying a very reasonable price


Customer base

Fiver star hotels
Four star hotels
business chain hotels
Real estate


Aidi has served more than 9,000 hotels. In terms of hotel projects, its service targets are mainly star hotels, budget hotels, and motels, for them, Zhongshen Aidi can provide the following services:


It can provide hotels with complete mattress products and supporting services, including customizing various styles of mattresses, soft beds, pillows, etc.


According to the hotel's different position, as well as guest sources, sleeping habits, and other needs, Zhongshen Aidi can provide personalized products and solutions. For example, double-side spring mattresses with firm and soft feeling, independent pocket spring mattresses keep silence, anti-mite mattresses, anti-mosquito mattresses, and anti-static mattresses, etc.


Apartments & Well-decorated

Aidi is a partner with many domestic real estate developers, providing customized products and overall installation solutions for apartments or well-decorated houses, reducing operating costs, obtaining worry-free good products, and enhancing brand reputation.


Aidi can refer to the sales and condition of the residence before shipping to avoid the situation of being vacant for too long and accumulating contamination.


Schools , Hospitals
Factory accomodations ,Retal houses, Prisons and other

According to different users. Zhong Shen Ai Di provides professional products and technical solutions. For example, the rental houses are uniformly durable, the fabric can be removed, replaced, washed or updated when it becomes dirty.

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