
—Sam Zhang

"Smart, Patient, Honest and Tustworthy,Tolerant and Handsome" this is some comments from others.

For competitors, he treats them calmly, maintains an open and friendly attitude, learns from each other, competes with each other, and develops together.

For customers, he adheres to his own business principles, helps customers grow, constantly creates value for the customer, and achieves mutual benefit and win-win!

In terms of corporate positioning and long-term development, he is far-sighted and has unique insights, he is the strategic planner and leader of the company!

Sam Zhang

AIdI Development History


Support love and dreams with a 3.6 square meter sleeping area

Human beings need to work hard for survival, they also need rest and dreams; the space for struggle is vast, but rest and dreams only require 3.6 square meters. For people to rest well and realize their dreams is our original heart. Shenzhen Zhong Shen Ai Di Bedding Technology Co.,Ltd. is a dream-making enterprise.

China's manufacturing has been developing rapidly due to factors such as "global industrial transfer, manpower and production cost advantages, and national policy support", gradually establishing its position as a "manufacturing power" in the world, and is known as the "world factory" . However, with the rise in production costs such as manpower, prices, and materials in recent years, as well as government policy controls and other factors, China's manufacturing industry has gradually begun to face a series of development bottlenecks. Enterprises must have forward-looking strategic thinking in order to be reborn in the general trend of industrial upgrading.

As a part of the traditional manufacturing industry, the furniture industry has experienced rapid development for many years, and the development bottlenecks it faces have become increasingly prominent. However, because of the unique value created by one company, the development barriers in this field are gradually being broken down. Many people don’t know: that many well-known mattress brands seen in the market may be produced by the same company. This is Shenzhen Zhongshen Ai Di Bedding Technology Co., Ltd., which has a daily output of 5,000 mattresses, but no retail stores or marketing brands.

AIDI is established in 2005, headquarter is in Shenzhen, has branch factory in Shenzhen, Tianjin, Huizhou, Jiaxing, and Shanwei, with a total production area of ​​350,000 square meters and an annual production capacity of 1.5 million mattresses. This is the largest mattress company in China that is 100% OEM&ODM-only, AIDI takes " OEM&ODM, Commercial project, Export" as its three main businesses, and takes "focus on technology and service innovation, continuously add value to customer brands" as its strategic, and positions itself as a service-oriented manufacturing industry. won recognition from many international and domestic brands.

In such a fiercely competitive market, why has AIDI been able to win the cooperation of dozens of famous brands around the world? Why we can keep long-term strategic cooperation with 100 well-known domestic furniture? Why can we supply mattresses to 20% of five-star hotels in mainland China and 70% in Hong Kong? All of this is inseparable from the company's unique growth process, excellent quality, and distinctive business philosophy.


Easy Way to Success always Crowd , Hard Way maybe Vast

Sam Zhang, the founder of AIDI, came to Shenzhen with his father in 1985. live here from studying to graduating from university. He started his business when he was a student at Shenzhen University. The start is difficult and full of challenges. He did restaurant, and decoration, and opened a bottled water plant with friends ...Full of difficulties and setbacks. In 2002, he even gave up his ideal and left Shenzhen to work as a salesman in a furniture company in Dongguan.

In 2005, the demand for mattress OEM from furniture companies was formed. But this type of OEM business faced lots of uncertain risks, the business phenomenon of non-professional buy from professional suppliers was ultimately not based on products but rather profit. Sam discovered an opportunity: take a unique business model that only produces, and doesn't create its own brand, in this way can we carve out a way out of the market? Sam is a person who dares to think and act, so he founded AIDI in Shenzhen and entered the field of mattress manufacturing.

But in a very traditional industry like mattress manufacturing, if a new company does not have a competitive advantage, it's hard to survive. Therefore, a proper position in the company and survival is a top priority for AIDI, the different concepts also got lots of doubts. However, not creating its own brand doesn't mean that there is no R&D, AIDI started with a single product and focused on this subdivided area of the furniture industry, keeping innovation and advancing with time. AIDI developed from simple OEM to ODM with research and development, technological innovation, patent authorization, brand customization, and sales training. Indicating its leading industry status.

From 7 people to the current 1,000 people, this excellent performance is related to this unique "OEM" concept: don't create market brands, but focus on OEM for international and domestic mattress brands, furniture brands, e-commerce brands, and hotel furniture. At the same time provide R&D, production, sales, and value-added services. don't compete with the customer's brand, provide 100% support. This different business model makes the path of AIDI wider and wider.


Mattress Manufacturing Industry 4.0

It is not enough to have a forward-looking business philosophy and direction. Let’s take a look at the production methods of some traditional manufacturing, which often rely on a large amount of labor cost and have low production efficiency. Faced with multiple pressures and dilemmas such as changing market demand, rising costs of labor and other resource factors, and tightening constraints on energy conservation and emission reduction, the advantages will be weaker and the living space will shrink day by day. Therefore, the strategy of promoting the transformation of production methods, "focusing on technology and service innovation, and continuously creating value for customer brands" has become the only way for AIDI.

AIDI has always been at the forefront of the industry, absorbing traditional advantages, spending on research and development, customized production, talent introduction, etc., AIDI created Asia's first intelligent production line, supported by data initially formed, and it is among the first to enter the mattress manufacturing industry 4.0, indicating its leading industry status. With this intelligent production lines have accelerated the transformation and upgrading of Aidi from a "manufacturing factory" to an "intelligent manufacturing factory", and its production efficiency has been greatly improved.

Practice brings true knowledge. Having advanced production technology does not guarantee that the product will be successful in the market. Only having an advantage in competition can prove the value of an enterprise. "Golden September and Silver October" is the peak season in China, as a leading OEM mattress factory, of course, we will not ignore this golden period. during this big promotion season, although brand companies have used advertising, new product releases, heavy discounts, etc. to impact sales, without high-quality products and considerate services, customers won't pay for it.

In Aidi Shenzhen factory, the annual production capacity of 1 million pieces. In this industry where it is rare to have an annual production capacity of 500,000 mattresses, AIDI has established itself as the “No. 1 ODM manufacturer”. The average production speed of one mattress every 27 seconds is amazing in the industry. What is the concept of 27 seconds? As soon as a computer is turned on, a high-quality mattress is born. Such production efficiency can achieve great advantages no matter what market environment.

The birth of every new product needs to go through various testing by machines in the testing center and after thousands of tests, connecting the data to real products, building a unique smart system.

With its unique OEM business model and unremitting pursuit of technological innovation and product quality AIDI has won high recognition from lots of brands including a 100-year-old international mattress brand, an international brand hotel chain, international and domestic mattress brands, furniture brands, hotel mattress brands and so on.


Internal "Family culture"
External assume eco-friendly responsibility

Cultural construction is often the source of motivation for enterprise upgrading and development, fulfilling environmental protection obligations is also the request of an enterprise. However, in people's general understanding, manufacturing companies are often rough, with low-quality employees, a lack of corporate culture, a lot of waste of resources and energy, avoidance of relevant social responsibilities, etc. If companies want to continue growing and stronger, these problems must be solved.

The management team of AIDI has been aware of this problem since the beginning of the business. Over the years, AIDI has established its core value ​​of "love, happiness, and growth", and continuously promotes a harmonious "family culture". This is not an empty slogan, but a humanized management that is closely integrated with employees' lives and works, helps employees solve their problems, and provides better benefits: good accommodation, children education, parenting education, always doing practical things for employees, Such a process fully reflects the gathering power of the enterprise and its overflowing cultural connotation. It has also become the driving force for the development of AIDI

As environmental awareness continues to increase across the country, slogans such as "environmental protection" and "zero formaldehyde" can be seen everywhere in the home furnishing market, and the mattress industry is also actively responding to the trend. As for environmentally friendly mattresses, the core is to return to the material, Aidi has formed a comprehensive quality inspection system from raw materials to semi-products and finished products, such as spring fatigue test, mattress durability test, etc. The company pursues excellent quality in every detail. All the wastes are classified and sorted to ensure that there is no waste gas, waste water, or dust pollution. from raw materials to finished products, all of our processes follow strict environmental protection and quality testing standards, QA International Certification Co., Ltd. confirms that AIDI complies with ISO 14001:2004 standards and ISO 9001:2008 standards.

The wind was just right for the sails. Its internal and external construction of the enterprise enable AIDI to advance bravely in the global market. If there is a lack of internal cultural construction and neglect of social responsibilities, the company's path forward will inevitably be stormy. If adjustments are made after problems arise, the credibility and reputation of the company will also be greatly compromised.

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