Do you know Bedding placement can also affect health

Many places ask people about feng shui when building or buying a house, and when moving in, they also choose a auspicious day and set up a banquet for family and friends. However, few people know that the arrangement of bedding in the bedroom is also knowledgeable

From a scientific perspective, the placement of bedding is not suitable for:


The bedside should not be placed under the window

Mainly because the bedside is under the window, people feel insecure during sleep. If encountering strong winds or thunderstorms, this feeling is even stronger. Moreover, windows are ventilated places. In today's cities with severe sound, light, and dust pollution, it is advisable to sleep away from the windows as much as possible

Shelves should not be placed above the head of the bed

You cannot place a shelf above the head of the bed to save space, especially between children's beds. Imagine placing some books or other things on the shelf, while there are two children fighting with debris on the bed below. The shelf is definitely a safety hazard

The bedside should not be located directly opposite the bedroom door

During holidays or weekends, there are always some relatives and friends at home who come to visit. Whether it's adults or children, people in the living room can see the bed in the bedroom at a glance, which can make the bedroom lack a sense of tranquility and affect sleep. People walking back and forth in their pajamas in the bedroom also look unsightly.

The bed should not be placed facing the dressing mirror

This is mainly because at night, when people wake up, especially when they wake up in a hazy state or wake up from nightmares, they may see themselves or others moving in the mirror in a moment when they suddenly lift their eyes in a dimly lit area, which makes them easily frightened.

Avoid uneven beds

Modern people often use spring mattresses, and if the quality of the mattress is poor and the spring deforms, it will affect health. So the choice of a mattress is also very important. Sleeping on a deformed mattress can cause a person's spine to bend, affecting blood circulation after a long sleep, making people tired and prone to illness.

It is not advisable to stack debris under the bed

Under the bed, there are often dark areas that are not very breathable. Putting debris on them can easily cause moisture, mold, or bacteria to grow. Additionally, it is difficult to clean regularly, resulting in a hygiene blind spot and feeling very uncomfortable. I believe all my friends who have moved in were surprised by the mess under the bed

Poor sleep quality, arthritis, cervical spondylosis, respiratory diseases, etc. have become common diseases in families in recent years, and the onset age is becoming younger and more severe. But most people still only seek solutions from eating, drinking, and exercising, neglecting the factors of indoor environmental health. Some young people even fail to pay attention to housing selection and improper decoration in pursuit of fashionable home decoration, which may pose health risks. Experts remind citizens to quickly recognize the misconceptions in this regard and increase their knowledge of "home health".

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